What Is Automation?
The Tertiary Information Age was emerged by media of the Primary Information Age interconnected with media of the Secondary Information Age as presently experienced. The Scientific Age began in the period between Galileo's 1543 proof that the planets orbit the sun and Newton's publication of the laws of motion and gravity in Principia in 1697. This age of discovery continued through the 18th Century, accelerated by widespread use of the moveable type printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. Get more from business process marketgit with IBM automation services. There is also evidence from the same period of time that wheels were used for the production of pottery. Similarly, the early peoples of Mesopotamia, the Sumerians, bestofboosters learned to use the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for much the same purposes. But more extensive use of wind and water power required another invention. An Extreme Form Of Encryption Could Solve Big Data's Privacy Problem Eventually, the wor